Read this before rubbing the fruit peels into the trash

Most of us often trash fruit and vegetable salads because we are unaware of the many benefits they have. But now let's stop treating fruit sauces as useless and the benefits they have.  Read and try to use. Sugar or Brown Sugar? It is also worth mentioning that handling vegetables and fruit scrubs not only can clean your environment, but it can also solve homemade kitchen problems.  Tomato Peels Tomatoes are used daily in every home cooked kitchen, but very few people know that tomato pellets are peeled.  Rich in salts and salts.  The paste of tomato paste on the face, it is used to cure the skin affected by sunlight and also removes color. May be in the skin of lemongrass or in cold weather.  In addition to making shiny pots shiny, they are also considered useful for eliminating the odor coming from it.  The paste of lemon peel and apply it on the face not only reduces the appearance of dark spots on the skin but also the color of the face.  Also, after pouring the lemon peel into the tea bag, add hot water to it and leave it for a while and then wash it with clean water.  Apple Peel Most of us eat apple peel but eat it as a precautionary measure because doctors and nutritionists say that apple peel has many benefits.  It is better to throw them in the trash than you would otherwise collect them and let them dry in the sunlight when they are dried with apple peel.  Then you put it in a glass burner. Then, boil it thoroughly with warm water and add a few drops of lemon to it, and it will taste the best.  The peach peel is considered to be a nutritious fruit and has a characteristic of the skin that is applied on the skin to keep it soft and supple and refreshed.  Putting some sugar in the face and massaging it on the face with a mild hand will help the skin get out of the skin.

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